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Thread Vein & Pigmentation Correction & Skin Tag Removal

Using the NdYag Laser in our New Motus Ay System
These Unsightly Blemishes can usually be eliminated or faded in a few short treatments

We are one of the few clinics to offer Laser Thread Vein Treatment in Wiltshire!

NB: An in depth consultation & Patch test (a relatively small area is treated) are required a week or two before a full treatment is carried out & an estimate of the cost of a full treatment will be given to you.

How does it work?

The laser beam reacts with the colour in the blood within the vein creating heat which damages the vein walls and seals them off, they will look darker for several days after treatment then gradually over a week for very small fine veins they fade away almost immediately, larger ones on the face can take up to 2 weeks to fade but leg veins can take 2-3months to fade and may need 2-3 treatments.

Often the treated veins will look darker for a short while as the blood within them has gone darker when heated but tiny ones on the face often just disappear! There is a small amount of skin reaction for a short time after treatment but this will vary for each individual, but this is why we always carry out a patch test a week before a full treatment.

There is a small amount of discomfort ( like hot pinpricks but only lasting for a millisecond ) during treatment but that is easily minimised by using ice before and after the treatment, I have been treating these annoying blemishes successfully since November 2000 with many happy satisfied clients.

I will always see you for a consultation and patch test before carrying out a full treatment and at that time we will give you an estimate of the time and therefore the cost of treating your individual problem area.

For more info about do’s and dont’s before and after laser treatment please see the unwanted hair laser page

Thread Vein Treatment Prices

Consultation and Patch Test
per test £50

Appointment Time: 30 mins

per minute £15


Laser Skin Tag Removal

Small and medium size Skin Tags are easily treated by using NdYag Laser on specific settings to cauterize the blood supply to the ‘overgrowing’ skin cells that create the tag. The tags will change colour and texture then a few days later just drop off leaving a small area of new pink skin, which was previously where the tag emerged from the normal flat skin, this pink area will normalise within a month but should be protected from the sun until then.

Tags should only require one treatment however we will need to carry out a consultation when we will assess them and estimate the time it will take to treat however many you require to be removed this will determine the cost of a full treatment as it is charge by the time it takes in minutes. We will treat 2 or 3 tags at consultation to be sure that you and your skin is suitable for a full treatment. It will feel like a series of very hot pinpricks but this is minimised by using cold air on the treatment area throughout the use of the Laser on the tags.

Laser Skin Tag Prices

Consultation and Patch Test
per test £50

Appointment Time: 30 mins

per minute £15


Pigmentation & Age Spot Reduction/Removal
These are so unsightly & annoying! Often due to excess sun exposure or genetics.

Using the Alexandrite Laser on a 5mm spot size this reacts with the superficial dark layers of skin to disintegrate these layers which go a little darker at treatment then just flake away over the next 3-6 days!
Religious use of SPF50 daily and reapplication every few hours when out in the sun is essential to minimise the occurrence or re-occurrence of these dark spots.

Pigmentation Treatment Prices

Consultation & Patch Test
per test £50
Appointment Time: 30 mins

per minute £15


Bookings Telephone

For Bookings Call: 01249 817497